SD FF Suspended after Returning from Humanitarian Efforts in Ukraine

April 28, 2022
Wentworth firefighter Greg Zimmerman who assisted Project Joint Guardian in the Ukraine has been suspended by his department.

Firefighter Greg Zimmerman has been suspended by the Wentworth Fire Department after assisting Project Joint Guardian with humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.

Zimmerman was notified recently while still providing humanitarian aid in the Ukraine that he was suspended from his volunteer firefighter duties.

While in the Ukraine, Zimmerman got a few phone calls from fellow firefighters who told him he was suspended. Now back in the US, Zimmerman said he’s had no communication with the chief, KELOLAND News reported.

Zimmerman was told by fellow firefighters the suspension may be a result of using his Wentworth gear while in the Ukraine.

City officials told KELOLAND News, “this was a department issue before Greg was in the Ukraine. This suspension issue was because of a violation of department policy before he departed to the Ukraine. It has nothing to do with his private involvement in the Ukraine.”

Zimmerman spent most of his time in the Ukraine recovering bodies while serving with Project Joint Guardian duties.

About the Author News

Content curated and written by Firehouse editorial staff, including Susan Nicol, Steven Shaw, Peter Matthews, Ryan Baker and Rich Dzierwa.